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  • Will Bott

    Director of United We Row Programs

    Will Bott

    Director of United We Row Programs

    Why USRowing?

    I'm passionate about working to make rowing more diverse, accessible, and inclusive.
  • Tracy Brown

    Senior Director of Giving

    Tracy Brown

    Senior Director of Giving

    Why USRowing?

    Rowing impacted every imaginable part of my life and I love working with the people connected to it.
  • Rich Cacioppo

    Executive Director

    Rich Cacioppo

    Executive Director

    Why USRowing?

    Because now is a unique and powerful moment to help shape the future of our sport.
  • Peter Choi

    Director of Sport Growth (Coastal & Indoors / eSports)
  • Amanda Cobb

    Director of Partnerships

    Amanda Cobb

    Director of Partnerships

    Why USRowing?

    To help share the love of rowing with others. The sport of rowing made me who I am today!
  • Lauren Crumley

    Corporate Partnerships Associate

    Lauren Crumley

    Corporate Partnerships Associate

    Why USRowing?

    To grow and advance rowing and bring the best experiences to all in the sport!
  • Will Daly

    Director of High Performance Operations

    Will Daly

    Director of High Performance Operations

    Why USRowing?

    To continue to be part of the sport that has given so much to me.
  • Flavia de Luccas

    Learning & Development Coordinator

    Flavia de Luccas

    Learning & Development Coordinator

    Why USRowing?

    To share my love of rowing and increase access to the sport.
  • Jesse Foglia

    High Performance Women's Coach
  • Steph Fryer

    Learning & Development Associate

    Steph Fryer

    Learning & Development Associate

    Why USRowing?

    To help provide opportunities for long term athlete development and quality coach education.
  • Chris Furlow

    Director of Member Experience/Learning & Development

    Chris Furlow

    Director of Member Experience/Learning & Development

    Why USRowing?

    To help improve member experience through theoretical and practical learning.
  • Casey Galvanek

    High Performance Men's Coach
  • Carolyn Glandorf

    Marketing & Communications Coordinator

    Carolyn Glandorf

    Marketing & Communications Coordinator

    Why USRowing?

    To help grow this incredible sport.
  • Emily Goldsmith

    Case Management Associate

    Emily Goldsmith

    Case Management Associate

    Why USRowing?

    To support our community through safeguarding endeavors. I'm grateful for the joy rowing brings me.
  • Brett Gorman

    Director of High Performance Pathways

    Brett Gorman

    Director of High Performance Pathways

    Why USRowing?

    To assist athletes and coaches progress to their next stage of development.
  • Alina Hagstrom

    Operations Coordinator
  • Jess Jackson

    DEI Associate

    Jess Jackson

    DEI Associate

    Why USRowing?

    Because athletes deserve empathetic advocacy and to live life freely.
  • Brett Johnson

    Senior Director of Operations
  • Amanda Kraus

    Chief Executive Officer

    Amanda Kraus

    Chief Executive Officer

    Why USRowing?

    Because I believe deeply in the value this wonderful sport can bring to people at every level.
  • Nancy LaRocque-Pederson

    Development & Athlete Success Coordinator

    Nancy LaRocque-Pederson

    Development & Athlete Success Coordinator

    Why USRowing?

    Rowing has enriched my life personally, athletically, and professionally for over three decades!
  • Jordan Lewis

    Communications Coordinator
  • Jasper Liu

    Director of Development

    Jasper Liu

    Director of Development

    Why USRowing?

    I believe in making the sport of rowing better for everyone.
  • Sarah May

    Chief Financial Officer

    Sarah May

    Chief Financial Officer

    Why USRowing?

    To enhance the lives of the people we serve.
  • Hugh McAdam

    Referee Programs Associate
  • Sarah McAuliffe

    Director of Competition
  • Lori McBride

    Chief Development Officer
  • Ellen Minzner

    Director of Para High Performance

    Ellen Minzner

    Director of Para High Performance

    Why USRowing?

    I strive to advance opportunity and sustain excellence for para rowers in international competition.
  • Alyssa Orth

    Member Services Associate

    Alyssa Orth

    Member Services Associate

    Why USRowing?

    Because of my love for working in sports and being able to be a part of the Olympic Movement.
  • Regie Robinson

    Competition Coordinator
  • Jake Robinson

    Competition Associate

    Jake Robinson

    Competition Associate

    Why USRowing?

    I'm dedicated to advancing our sport and providing exceptional experiences for all our participants.
  • Tom Rooks

    Director of Safeguarding
  • Lizzie Seedhouse

    Chief Marketing Officer

    Lizzie Seedhouse

    Chief Marketing Officer

    Why USRowing?

    To give more people the opportunity to access and be positively impacted by the sport.
  • Theo Simko

    Chief of Staff
  • Jennie Trayes

    Chief Community Engagement Officer

    Jennie Trayes

    Chief Community Engagement Officer

    Why USRowing?

    To give everyone the opportunity to row! I get to collaborate with leaders, coaches, and athletes.
  • Meg Varcoe

    Member Services Associate

    Meg Varcoe

    Member Services Associate

    Why USRowing?

    Because I want to elevate the sport, making it a top pick for athletes nationwide.
  • Josy Verdonkschot

    Chief High Performance Officer
  • Wendy Wilbur

    Associate Director of High Performance Operations

    Wendy Wilbur

    Associate Director of High Performance Operations

    Why USRowing?

    The organization supported me as an athlete and I want to provide support for National Team.
  • Jules Zane

    Director of Experience & Partnership Marketing

    Jules Zane

    Director of Experience & Partnership Marketing

    Why USRowing?

    To assist our members at every level of our sport, so they can worry less and row more.
  • Mike Zimmer

    Director of Sport Operations

    Mike Zimmer

    Director of Sport Operations

    Why USRowing?

    To help others enjoy this amazing sport just as I did.

Member Benefit

Miami Open Discount Offer
Get ready to experience the excitement of the Miami Open like never before! For a limited time, USRowing Members can take advantage of 20%-30% discounts on online ticket purchases.
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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

United We Row
United We Row represents the power of rowing to bridge divides, unite athletes across differences, and push the community forward.
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The Launch
Want to learn more about building a sustainable, safe, and welcoming boathouse? Checkout The Launch today!
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