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Mar 28, 2022

Team USA

USRowing Announces Newest High Performance Committee Members

USRowing would like to welcome the newest members of our High Performance Committee. In addition to our athlete representatives – Liam Corrigan and Dr. Genevra Stone, who were elected by the Athlete Members this past December – Wyatt Allen, Yasmin Farooq, and Stephen Hap Whelpley have been named to the High Performance Committee.

Allen, a two-time Olympic medalist, is the men's heavyweight head coach at Dartmouth College. Farooq, a two-time Olympian, is the women's head coach at the University of Washington, where she has won multiple NCAA titles. Whelpley, a three-time national team member, is the lead coach for Craftsbury Green Racing Project.

Click here for the High Performance Committee Charter (Updated 2/28/2022)

Click here for the High Performance Committee Role and Vision (March 2022)

High Performance Committee

Wyatt Allen

Liam Corrigan – Athlete Representative

Yasmin Farooq

Dr. Genevra Stone – Athlete Representative

Stephen Hap Whelpley – Chair