Team USA Competitions

The dates and location of Senior and Para Trials will be confirmed in November, 2024.
The regatta follows 6-lane progression. For more information, click the link below.
The preliminary schedule outlines anticipated times for practice, time-trials, semifinals, and finals.
Traffic Pattern
The maps below will provide an overview of the layout of the course and outline the traffic patterns for practice, time trials, and sprint racing.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens in the event of adverse weather?
In the event of weather, USRowing will refer to Appendix E Adverse Weather Conditions Policy.

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Whether you're looking to take your first strokes or just moved to a new area, our USRowing member clubs would love to meet you.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
United We Row
United We Row represents the power of rowing to bridge divides, unite athletes across differences, and push the community forward.

The Launch
Want to learn more about building a sustainable, safe, and welcoming boathouse? Checkout The Launch today!