SafeSport Policy Summary & FAQs

At USRowing, we’re committed to fostering a safe and supportive environment for every athlete, coach, and participant in our community. Protecting participants and ensuring their well-being is at the core of everything we do.
When it comes to SafeSport policy, the language and how it impacts participants, programs, and organizations is complex. We worked directly with SafeSport and outside legal counsel to ensure this Summary and FAQs are clear, accurate and address any concerns, helping you better understand the safeguards in place to protect our rowing family.
Together, we’re building a stronger, safer sport for everyone.
Summary & FAQs
SafeSport was the congressional response to athlete sexual abuse arising in various high performance athletics.The intent of SafeSport is to provide a professional and independent avenue for a participant to raise allegations of misconduct outside the organizations where the misconduct allegedly occurred.
Policy Application: The SafeSport Act applies to the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC),certified National Governing Bodies (NGBs), such as USRowing, and Local Affiliated Organizations (LAOs) of the NGB. In the context of the sport of rowing, LAOs are organizations that are “directly affiliated” with USRowing, which we interpret to mean those organizations that have signed a Membership Agreement with USRowing.
Obligations: Generally speaking, SafeSport obligations do not extend to related entities beyond the signatory to the Membership Agreement with USRowing. As an example, if a rowing club affiliated with a college or school signs a Membership Agreement, the SafeSport obligations of the rowing club do not flow to parent or related organizations who have not signed a Membership Agreement. However, individuals who are employees of the parent or related organization who are assigned to oversee the rowing club may be deemed “Participants” of the rowing program (as the LAO) and, therefore, subject to the LAO’s Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies (MAAPP).
Jurisdiction: There has also been some confusion as to what the phrase “exclusive jurisdiction” in the SafeSport code means. The phrase means that if an allegation that falls within the Center’s exclusive jurisdiction is reported against a participant to USRowing or a USRowing LAO, the allegation must be reported to SafeSport. SafeSport, and not USRowing or the LAO will decide how to respond to the allegation.
The SafeSport Act does not impact the “jurisdiction” of USRowing’s LAOs or any other organization to take any investigation, proceeding or action they deem necessary, other than actions that may interfere with a SafeSport investigation. SafeSport does have the authority to “go first” ahead of any LAOs in investigating claims that it accepts jurisdiction over—effectively creating a stay of investigation by LAOs, USRowing, and the USOPC during the course of SafeSport proceedings. It does not preclude LAOs during the SafeSport investigation from normal business activity including personnel decisions, safety plans and normal operations providing that they do not interfere with SafeSport’s proceedings. Allowing SafeSport to “go first” guarantees a professional, independent, and cost-effective investigation for the most serious claims of abuse in rowing.
Protections: SafeSport is an important and appropriate safety measure to provide vulnerable participants with a safe and independent forum to bring claims. It provides outcomes that insulate organizations from claims of cover up or whitewashing. While there has been some confusion about the scope of SafeSport, it aspires to be an important gold standard of participant safety and works to the ultimate benefit of all rowing constituents.
What is the U.S. Center for SafeSport?
After several widespread sexual abuse scandals in Olympic sports, including USA Gymnastics, Congress created the U.S. Center for SafeSport (“SafeSport”) through The Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017. SafeSport’s role is to provide independent oversight of misconduct allegations ensuring consistent investigations, fair disciplinary actions, and accountability across all levels of Olympic and Paralympic sports such as soccer, swimming, and 60 other sports.
For the rowing community, SafeSport supports all individuals who are members of USRowing, participate in a USRowing member organization, or take part in USRowing events.
What is the Olympic & Paralympic Movement? How am I a part of that?
The Movement is the collective term for all organizations, participants, and activities under the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC). National governing bodies such as U.S. Soccer, USA, Swimming, USA Gymnastics and dozens more are a part of the Movement, as are their members.
If you’re a member of USRowing, participate in a USRowing member organization, or take part in a USRowing event, you’re part of the Movement.
What role does SafeSport play in rowing?
SafeSport works alongside National Governing Bodies of sport (NGBs) like USRowing and their member organizations to investigate misconduct and support organizations in addressing abuse. Ultimately, its job is to ensure that participants are protected from abuse and misconduct.
What types of misconduct fall under SafeSport’s jurisdiction?
SafeSport investigates and resolves allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct within the Olympic and Paralympic Movement. It can also address other misconduct, such as emotional abuse, physical abuse, bullying, and harassment.
How often does SafeSport “accept jurisdiction” of cases?
Athletes or other participants can submit an allegation of misconduct to SafeSport who then decides whether they will “accept jurisdiction.”
SafeSport has accepted jurisdiction in less than half of the USRowing-related SafeSport complaints in the past seven years.
What does “exclusive jurisdiction” mean in the context of SafeSport?
The law establishing SafeSport says that it has “exclusive jurisdiction” in certain instances.
SafeSport has exclusive jurisdiction to investigate and resolve allegations within the Movement that span the following categories:
- Sexual Misconduct
- Criminal Charges or Dispositions involving Child Abuse or Sexual Misconduct
- Misconduct Related to Reporting
- Misconduct Related to Aiding and Abetting, Abuse of Process, or Retaliation, when it relates to SafeSport’s process
Within the Movement, SafeSport has discretionary jurisdiction to receive and investigate other forms of misconduct, such as emotional abuse, physical abuse, bullying, and harassment.
Some organizations may worry that “exclusive jurisdiction” means they cannot respond to allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct within their own school or rowing organization. This is not the case. It simply means that SafeSport, not USRowing, has the authority to work alongside the member organization and USRowing as they investigate and address allegations of sexual abuse and misconduct.
SafeSport’s jurisdiction does not extend to employment or participation determinations made by our member organizations or prevent the reporting to and involving law enforcement or parallel processes like Title IX.
SafeSport provides an extra layer of protection for our community by offering independent, trauma informed oversight for allegations of abuse and misconduct, in addition to ensuring that those engaged in any form of abuse or misconduct are not able to continue by moving to other programs, organizations or sports.
Does SafeSport limit a rowing organization’s ability to act on allegations of misconduct or conduct its own investigations?
SafeSport does not remove a rowing organization’s authority to act or investigate in accordance with its own policies and procedures.
Allegations that fall under SafeSport’s discretionary jurisdiction: Member organizations can conduct their own investigations into the allegation, unless and until SafeSport accepts jurisdiction.
Allegations that fall under SafeSport’s exclusive jurisdiction: Parallel investigations between SafeSport, law enforcement, Title IX, or another entity outside of the Movement can occur. However, USRowing, USRowing members, and USOPC cannot conduct their own investigations into the allegation. This ensures that parties with an interest in the outcome are prevented from conducting parallel investigations, which could interfere with ongoing inquiries, result in conflicting outcomes, and place unnecessary strain on the victim.
Once SafeSport has accepted jurisdiction, USRowing member organizations can take immediate action through safety plans, following their own policies or code of conduct and making decisions about employment or participation. At the conclusion of SafeSport’s investigation, USRowing, USRowing member organizations, and the USOPC can investigate the same allegation as a violation of any other non-SafeSport policy that applies.
How can my organization make our own decisions if SafeSport has "exclusive” jurisdiction?
If someone in your program or organization is alleged to have participated in misconduct outlined in the SafeSport Code, the organization or observer must submit a report to SafeSport.
While SafeSport is deciding if it will accept jurisdiction, an organization can in some cases investigate, and always make its own determination around employment and participation. For instance, an organization can decide whether to continue to employ the accused, set forth a safety plan or apply other conditions around their participation with the organization.
After SafeSport concludes their investigation, USRowing and member organizations can use SafeSport’s findings and determinations when making their own employment and participation decisions and must abide by SafeSport’s determinations as they relate to participation in the Movement.
How often does SafeSport act?
Since SafeSport started in 2017, it has handled over 400 cases for USRowing with no conflicts with rowing organizations. 91 cases have resulted in SafeSport taking disciplinary action. In 13 of those instances, the actions impacted the accused’s ability to participate - showing that SafeSport only steps in when there's concern regarding serious harm to participants.
What happens if SafeSport bans someone from the Movement, but a rowing organization doesn’t want to restrict their participation at their own organization?
If SafeSport bans someone from the Movement, USRowing member organizations must comply with that ruling in order to continue being a USRowing member and participating in USRowing events. However, they can make their own decisions about employment or participation outside SafeSport’s jurisdiction. Since 2017, there haven’t been any USRowing cases where SafeSport banned someone but a member organization chose to continue employing someone or allowing their participation.
What happens when SafeSport declines jurisdiction of a SafeSport case?
When SafeSport declines jurisdiction of a case, USRowing takes responsibility for responding to and resolving the claim. Depending on the details such as the type of allegations, the people involved, and the circumstances, USRowing may ask the member organization's leadership to address the issue within a set timeframe. In some cases, USRowing may need to inquire further if the allegations don’t fall under the USRowing SafeSport Policy but still violate other USRowing policies.
What happens if a rowing organization does not comply with SafeSport requirements?
Non-compliance by an organization could lead to USRowing losing its status as an NGB and may also violate federal law. SafeSport may take disciplinary action, including suspension or permanent suspension from the Movement, and USRowing may impose sanctions in line with its own policies and procedures, such as restricting participation through limited, conditioned, suspended, terminated, or denied membership.
How does SafeSport ensure fairness in investigations and benefit the rowing community?
SafeSport provides an independent system to handle misconduct allegations, ensuring fairness and consistency because no interested parties (such as program management, organization directors, parents etc.) are assessing the case. It tracks offenders to prevent them from moving between teams or sports and complements the rowing community's efforts to protect its participants. Investigations are conducted independently, ensuring that the process is fair and free from conflicts of interest.
Why is it important for organizations to comply with SafeSport if their own internal processes are strong?
SafeSport ensures standardized and fair investigations, consistent disciplinary actions, and sport-wide accountability free from institutional pressures, which also supports sports organizations that lack the resources or budget to manage abuse claims effectively.
Without the SafeSport’s oversight, participants may remain at risk when offenders move to other rowing organizations or between sports. SafeSport’s independent investigations and sport-wide accountability provide protections that individual organizations cannot.
What happens if a rowing organization leaves the Olympic and Paralympic Movement?
SafeSport is a federal legal requirement that adds a layer of vulnerable participant protection for the most serious allegations. Staying within the Movement is a statement to athletes, parents and members that the organization prioritizes participant safety and the highest standards of protections.
SafeSport exercises jurisdiction in the most serious cases, and this allows them to focus their resources on thorough investigations. Should a SafeSport investigation find misconduct occurred, an organization benefits from knowing that finding for the sake of having as much information as possible, the victim(s) involved, and an organization’s reputation.
Leaving SafeSport would undermine protections for participants and increase risks. It’s important to remember that SafeSport was created in direct response to the failure of multiple organizations and individuals who did not act as hundreds of athletes were sexually assaulted by a single individual across multiple Olympic sports.
Withdrawing from USRowing’s membership program also means that organizations cannot participate at USRowing events, be members or take advantage of the value we provide to members such as USRowing insurance, USRowing’s High Performance Pathways for coaches and athletes, the use of USRowing Officials at their own regattas or continuing education, courses, and certifications.

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