Safe Sport: An Abuse Prevention Program

Report Misconduct
USRowing strongly encourages the reporting of all forms of misconduct. There is no cost associated with submitting a report. Reporting of issues of misconduct may be made anonymously. However, USRowing encourages the complainant to provide enough detail to allow for a proper investigation, if required.
USRowing appreciates your willingness to report inappropriate behavior. Out of respect for the importance of this issue and to encourage honest and effective reporting, knowingly making a false or vindictive report will not be tolerated and is a violation of USRowing's Safe Sport Policy.
Abuse Prevention and Response Policy, USRowing Discipline Records, and SafeSport Rights
USRowing Abuse Prevention and Response Policy
Know Your Rights: What is SafeSport?
USRowing Safe Sport Discipline Records
USRowing Safe Sport Overview
USRowing's mission is to champion participation and the passionate pursuit of excellence in the sport of rowing. The organization seeks to achieve these goals with a commitment to integrity, teamwork, and—above all—safety.
The U.S. Congress designated the U.S. Center for SafeSport with the authority to respond to reports of sexual misconduct within the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Movement by passing the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017. This legislation designates the U.S. Center for SafeSport to serve as the independent national safe sport organization.
USRowing's SafeSport program is designed to assure athlete safety by promoting and enforcing policies and programs that address: bullying, hazing, harassment (including sexual harassment), emotional misconduct, physical misconduct and sexual misconduct (including child sexual abuse and/or grooming behaviors).
All USRowing Member Organizations are required to have their own athlete safety program or agree to USRowing’s policy during organization renewal or registration. While the primary focus is to safeguard children, these policies extend to all age groups including masters and college level.
As a condition of membership, USRowing Member Organizations must accept the jurisdictional role of the U.S. Center for SafeSport to investigate and adjudicate any issues of reported misconduct within their organization.
SafeSport violations for behaviors other than sexual misconduct should be investigated and handled within each member organization following its internal policies and procedures. After exhausting all remedies afforded by the member organization's policy, issues of misconduct may be brought to USRowing.
USRowing Resources
Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policy Resources
U.S. Center for SafeSport Resources
- U.S. Center for SafeSport: SafeSport Code for the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Movement
- U.S. Center for SafeSport: Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies
- U.S. Center for SafeSport: Emotional and Physical Abuse Toolkit
- Bullying Prevention Handbook
- New Parent and Guardian's Handbook for Safer Sport
- Helping Protect the Future of Youth Sports Webinar
- Protect Sport: Blow the Whistle on Abuse and Misconduct
- Embracing Harmony and Safety in Performing Arts
- The U.S. Center for Safe Sport's 2023 NGB Summit
- Centralized Disciplinary Database
- Lodging Consent Form
- General Consent Forms
SafeSport Training & Background Checks
SafeSport Training & Access
Anyone who is defined as a Relevant Adult Participant per the definition below, is required to complete the 90-minute SafeSport Trained course.
- Any employee, board member, committee member, coach, or administrator of USRowing or one of its Member Organizations
- Any USRowing licensed Referee
- Any current or potential National Team athlete with the goal to participate in National Team selection such as development camp, trials, or selection camp
- Any person(s) authorized, approved, or appointed by USRowing or its Member Organizations to have Regular Contact with or authority over Minor Athletes. This may include coaches, volunteers, medical staff, trainers, chaperones, monitors, contract personnel, bus/van drivers, or officials who have Regular Contact* with a Minor Athlete, staff, board members, and any other individual who meets the Adult Participant definition
- An adult athlete who has Regular Contact* with any Minor Athlete
- Individuals in a position of power, including but not limited to coaches, staff, chaperones and board members, are required to take SafeSport training regardless of the total number of instances they have with minors. This includes positions of power held over adults only.
*Regular Contact Is defined as ongoing interaction where an Adult Participant is in a role of direct and active engagement with any amateur athlete who is a minor. USRowing defines ongoing interactions as five (5) or more instances of In-Program Contact during a 12-month period. For purposes of this definition, a competition is considered a single instance of In-Program Contact regardless of duration.
If an Adult Participant has already completed the 90-minute course, they are required to complete a 30-minute refresher course in its place; Refresher 1: Recognizing and Reporting Misconduct, Refresher 2: Preventing Misconduct, and Refresher 3: Creating a Positive Sport Environment. These courses will automatically populate in your member portal as suggested courses near the time of your current course's expiration. Training must be completed on an annual basis.
Please note, the SafeSport Trained and Refresher courses are the only courses required and accepted by USRowing and the U.S. Center of SafeSport. Any other course listed in the catalog is provided as optional training for your benefit by the U.S. Center for SafeSport.
Accessing the 90-minute SafeSport Trained or Refresher Courses for Relevant Adult Participant
To complete your SafeSport training, when using a laptop or desktop computer, log into your individual USRowing member account using your member ID and password. Upon logging into the individual member account, a pop-up will appear asking a series of questions to recognize if an individual is considered a Relevant Adult Participant. Based on the answers selected, the member will be informed whether SafeSport training is needed. The individual profile, roster status, and compliance records will automatically update.
If training is required, athletes are required by the U.S. Center for SafeSport to complete the 90-minute SafeSport Core training or one of its three 30-minute refresher courses and can continue following directions below. From there, click the SafeSport icon on the left side of your screen. You'll be prompted to agree to the terms and conditions, and you can agree by clicking a check box. After agreeing, you'll see a few suggested courses listed for you. These courses are suggested based off your history of completing SafeSport training. Click 'Enroll and Begin' for the training that is representative of your role in the sport (athlete or non-athlete participant). A second screen will pop up and take about 30 seconds to load. After it has loaded, you will notice all the courses appear locked on the left side of your screen, this is because the training is a step-by-step course and will need your interaction to be completed.
Notice a right pointing arrow and 'Next' button in the bottom right corner of your screen to proceed through each lesson. Once you've finished the course, your completion will automatically be displayed on your USRowing individual account.
My role requires a background check. How do I complete one?
Current process:
USRowing Member Organization administrators may utilize the National Center for Safety Initiatives (NCSI) to bring their organization into compliance. Discounted background checks are available from NCSI for $30 (additional country fees may apply) for all USRowing-covered individuals. Organizational administrators looking to get their program’s screening to USRowing criteria can email Please provide your name and contact information, as well as the name and address of your rowing club to the NCSI team. Once you have an organizational account with NCSI, you can request background checks for your applicable adults.
Future process:
USRowing is building an API-integrated background check process to ensure members can easily access the USOPC-required background check through the membership portal. You can complete your background check by logging into your individual membership account. You’ll click on ‘Background Check’ from the menu options and click ‘Begin Background Check’ to get started.

Report a Rowing Safety Incident

Report Incidents of Safeguarding
