Feb 01, 2022
Black History Month at USRowing
Today is February 1 and the start of Black History Month. This month is a time to recognize the experiences of Black Americans and to raise awareness around the uncomfortable truth of America's history.
At USRowing, we will honor Black History Month along with the rest of America and celebrate Black rowers and their stories. But we, as a team and a National Governing Body, also will continue on the journey of understanding the harsh history of our country and our sport, the exclusion of Black rowers, and the changes we all need to take on.
With that in mind, we're eager to share some of what you can expect this year when it comes to structural and sustainable goals. This is a non-exhaustive list of ways we will continue to make rowing more inclusive, diverse, and equitable:
Develop an inclusion toolkit for rowing clubs to use to reach their own diversity, equity, and inclusion goals.
Expand the Olympic development pipeline to include more BIPOC rowers.
Along with the DEI committee and other stakeholders, develop and communicate a clear and robust diversity, equity, and inclusion strategic plan to all members of USRowing.
Integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion training into all USRowing coaching education.
Hire a full-time diversity, equity, and inclusion professional to join the USRowing team.
Establish vendor and venue policies for identifying BIPOC-owned and inclusive partners around the country.
Grow the STEM to Stern program to serve more students and more clubs around the country.