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Dec 14, 2023


Meet the DEI Committee: Tamara Clayton

Fun fact: My initials are TLC! Tamara Lara Clayton. I'm thankful that my middle name is my mom's maiden's name, as my Mexican heritage is something I hold dear to my heart. I was born in La Mirada, Calif., and grew up in Tulsa, Okla. This is where I was first introduced to rowing. Currently, I am a rowing coach at Canal Dock Boathouse, Inc. in New Haven, Conn.

Which groups form your social identity? Which groups do you most identify with?

I identify as a Mexican-American, lesbian woman. This is how the world sees me. Foundationally and for those who know me, family (blood and non) is my cornerstone. The "non" is key here. I have my "people" who mean more to me than anything. We sometimes have differing views and opinions on life, but that's needed. Their respect, love, and wisdom have helped define who I am today. I recently attended the Women's Coaching Conference in Boston, Mass., where we were asked to define ourselves using three words –- talk about a difficult task! I created the following: "I am patient. I am daring. I am creative." I am who I am because of the people I have allowed into my life. When you find the ones, cherish them.

What is your motivation for committing your time to the DEI committee?

Rowing is a predominantly white, upper class sport. It also seems that every boathouse is focused only on medals and championships. "Knowing how to swim is a prerequisite for joining our program. Oh, you don't know how? I'm sorry, you cannot join our team." This is only one of many examples that I've seen and have been told about. We are excluding a vast array of possible rowers.

Not only that, but what about the youth who simply want to row for the beauty of it? Not everyone wants to compete. Just like basketball has neighborhood courts to play pick-up with, why can't we provide that same ease of access to our sport? Yes, it takes more effort and time, but it's worth it in the long run. I am motivated to commit my time to the DEI Committee because everyone deserves the opportunity to enjoy this sport that I love.

If you could leave a "mark on the world" that preceded you, what would it be?

My mark on the world? Talk about deep questions! This one took me a hot minute; I won't lie. I'd hope it would be, "You have power in your voice." It's something I constantly mention to my athletes. Whether it's speaking up and advocating for another, or having your inner coxswain burst out of your mouth through the good and bad times in life, words are powerful. Learn to use them, then use them. Take up that space.

Who is your biggest influence in life?

My biggest influence is hands down my own mama! Cliche, but it's true. What she has overcome for my sisters and I to live the lives we now do; her love and support; her craziness and dance moves; her laughter and clumsiness; her wisdom and discipline; her beauty and compassion… I could go on and on.

If you could wave a magic wand over rowing, what would the sport look or feel like to you? How can others in the rowing community help make that happen?

Wait, magic isn't real? Haha. I'd make rowing less expensive. It's extremely exclusive solely based on one's pocket book. How can others help? Invest in a grant writer. Every program should have one, and every program should pay them appropriately. I think it's an underrepresented staffing position at boathouses nationally.

What brings you joy?

This is easy! I find joy in everything. Joy differs from happiness, in my opinion. Happiness is temporary. Joy is everlasting. Happiness is all about you. Joy is about everyone and everything around you. In high school, I was questioned about what drugs I was taking because I always had a smile on my face. At the time, I didn't understand how others could not be as joyful as me. I do not take life for granted. I love to be adventurous and finding joy through experiences and nature. I also find joy in my athletes. You know, the athlete who is very quiet and reserved…then come high school graduation, they have transformed into a powerful world changer who actually believes in themselves. Joy in food. I joke that I'm a human garbage disposal. I truly love all kinds of food, and I enjoy exploring various flavors. I could go on and on about joy. Struggling to find some? I challenge you to change your perspective. The smallest spark can be just the ignition you may need.