Justin Stevens
2024 Beach Sprints
National Teams
Two Senior, 2022; Beach, 2024
International Results
Finished sixth in the lightweight pair at the 2022 World Rowing Championships...Finished third in the senior lightweight quadruple sculls at the 2019 Canadian Henley.
National Results
Won the lightweight pair and lightweight four with coxswain at the 2022 USRowing Summer National Championships...Won the lightweight four with coxswain and lightweight quadruple sculls at the 2019 USRowing Summer National Championships...Won the collegiate eight at the 2018 Head of the Hooch.
Justin received the 2020 Larry Ross Cathey Award for Undergraduate Astronomy, awarded by Vanderbilts Department of Physics and Astronomy. He enjoys hanging out with his girlfriend, Laurie, and their two dogs, Rusty and Rango. Justin enjoys cross-country skiing, cycling, spending time outdoors, and reading. One of his two dogs, Rusty, was the 2020 row2k.com Favorite Boathouse Dog. Justin walked-on to the club team at Vanderbilt University as a freshman in 2016. He draws a lot of inspiration from the stories of legendary NYAC lightweight sculler (and emergency medical physician) Dr. Larry Klecatsky.
Boat Class
Lightweight Men's Pair (2-)
Vanderbilt University, 2020
Knoxville, Tenn.
Training Location
Pelham, N.Y.