Mats Terwiesch
2022 Senior
National Teams
One Senior, 2022
International Results
Finished fifth in the lightweight quadruple sculls at the 2022 World Rowing Championships...Finished second in the senior quadruple sculls at the 2022 Koninklijke Holland Beker RegattaWon the senior lightweight quadruple sculls at the 2019 Canadian Henley.
National Results
Won the senior quadruple sculls and the senior lightweight quadruple sculls at the 2021 USRowing National ChampionshipsWon the championship lightweight double sculls at the 2018 Head of the CharlesQualified for the varsity eight at the 2018 IRA National ChampionshipsFinished third in the collegiate eight at the 2017 Head of the Charles.
Mats was a NESCAC conference champion in 2015, 2017, and 2018. His senior thesis received the Stangle Family Prize for most outstanding thesis in economics at Bates College. He became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 2016 and retains dual citizenship from Germany and the United States. He is a product manager at WHOOP, where he was an early employee. Mats was team captain at Bates and was part of the first NESCAC team to qualify for the Division I varsity eight at the IRA Championships. He has two younger brothers, Jan and Niels, that he is very close with. His youngest brother, Niels, rows as a lightweight at the University of Pennsylvania. Mats lists his personal interests as technology entrepreneurship, political/economic history, and watching The Simpsons. His personal heroes are his parents, who showed Mats the joy of hard work and discipline, while making sure to laugh a lot along the way.
Boat Class
Lightweight Men's Quadruple Sculls (4x)
Bates College, 2018
Wynnewood, Pa.
Training Location
Cambridge, Mass.