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Safety Committee

  • DeDe Birch

    Rowing Manager – Sacramento State Aquatic Center
    Sacramento, Calif.

    DeDe Birch

    Rowing Manager – Sacramento State Aquatic Center
    Sacramento, Calif.

    DeDe has been a part of USRowing since its inception when the National Association of Amateur Oarsmenand and the National Women's Rowing Association merged in 1982.  She is still an active rower, coach, and regatta director.  

    Why USRowing?

    I believe in giving back to a sport that has given so much to me.
  • Jim Cooper

    Northeast Representative

    Jim Cooper

    Northeast Representative

    Jim is a founding member Norwalk River Rowing Association and a current master’s rower (38 years steady). He has served on the USRowing Safety Committee for 10+ years. His safety areas of expertise include boatman, equipment,  trailer driving, coaches and regattas.

    Why USRowing?

    I'm always ready to give back to the sport we love.
  • Sam Dempsey

    Southeast Representative

    Sam Dempsey

    Southeast Representative

    Sam has served as a USRowing Referee for 42 years and a FISA (World Rowing) Referee for 25 years. He is the Chief Referee for ACRA and Faculty for the Referee College. He served as Chief Referee for Nationals, Masters, Regionals, The Hooch, and multiple other events. He has been a masters rower since 1980. Sam retired as Director of Special Education Programs in large urban school districts. He helped set up special education programs in India, China, and Peru. His BA, MS and PhD are in History/Special Education and Public Policy. 

    Why USRowing?

    As a referee 40 years, I appreciate the poetic blend of competition and cooperation in rowing.
  • Megan Getman

    Central Representative

    Megan Getman

    Central Representative

    Megan is the Head Coach of the recreational rowers and the Regatta Director at Austin Rowing Club.  She has served on the Safety Committee since 2022 and seeks to support efforts to nurture the rowing community’s safety consciousness.   

    Why USRowing?

    I’m on the Safety Committee to help provide safe environment for racing and practice participation.
  • George Kirschbaum

    Mid-Atlantic Representative

    George Kirschbaum

    Mid-Atlantic Representative

    George is the Chairperson of Potomac River Safety Committee, a coach, cox, and author. He has been a cox and coach on the Potomac River since 1985, when he started learning life lessons with Washington-Liberty HS Crew under coach Charlie Butt, Jr. Solid safety practices became important for George as he saw the rapid increase in interest in the sport. He wanted to help others prevent issues before they happened.  

    Why USRowing?

    I volunteer to help a ensure a safe and positive experience for all our athletes and coaches.
  • Matt Logue

    Midwest Representative

    Matt Logue

    Midwest Representative

    Matt has over 25 years of experience in the sport of rowing as an athlete, coach, referee, regatta director and organizational leader.  Matt has held leadership roles at the West Side Rowing Club, Row New York and is currently the Executive Director of Three Rivers Rowing Association.  

    Why USRowing?

    Matt is passionate about growing our sport by creating a safe and inclusive culture.
  • Graham Ludmer

    Midwest Representative

    Graham Ludmer

    Midwest Representative

    Graham is the Assistant Coach & Boatman for Indiana University. He has worked as head coach, assistant coach, and director of rowing in four different programs in the US and one in Australia.  He enjoys teaching others the sport, showing them how to enjoy working hard, working together, and helping them achieve their goals.   

    Why USRowing?

    I've had wonderful experiences in rowing. Being on the safety committee is a way to give back
  • Toni Martinez

    Northwest Representative

    Toni Martinez

    Northwest Representative

    Why USRowing?

    To broaden my knowledge of waterways and their potential hazards
  • Margot Zalkind


    Margot Zalkind


    Margot has been Chair of USRowing Safety Committee for more than 20 years. She has rowed competitively for Saugatuck BC and Potomac BC, served as Race Committee Chair at PBC, and worked as dockmaster for many regattas, notably Masters Nationals and Head of the Charles Regatta. She is co-author of two rowing related books.  

    She has taught Safe Trailer Driving, and, with the YMCA, fitness and nutrition classes for youth, using the erg.  

    Why USRowing?

    I hope my years of experience can help avoid one accident, save one life.

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