2025 Winter Speed Order
W1x, M1x, W2-, M2-
PR1 M1x, PR1 W1x, PR2 M1x, PR2 W1x, PR3 M2-, PR3 W2-
March 21-23, 2025
Nathan Benderson Park -- Sarasota, Fla.
USRowing is committed to fair play. All athletes participating in selection for, and competing as a member of, all U.S. national rowing teams must be in compliance with United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), International Olympic Committee (IOC), United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC), World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), FISA and USRowing rules and requirements relating to banned substances, including but not limited to undergoing testing and obtaining and maintaining current therapeutic use exemptions as needed. Failure to adhere to anti-doping rules and requirements may result in an athlete losing eligibility to compete for the United States.
Selection Eligibility:
Entries are due by Friday, March 7, 2025 at 11:59pm PST. To place an entry, please visit Regatta Central.
Athletes will not be permitted to launch if they are not in compliance with these requirements. To renew or create a Membership, go to www.usrowing.org and click on "Join" or contact member services at 1-800-314-4ROW. To sign your waiver and Anti-Doping Acknowledgement, go here.
Membership staff will not be on-site, so it is important to ensure compliance in advance of the event.
All competitors must have completed the USRowing Anti-Doping Acknowledgement. This acknowledgment, and your USRowing liability waiver, can be signed here.
To learn more about Anti-Doping Information, please go here.
At the upcoming speed orders, it will be possible for competitors to use any chosen data collection method not normally permitted by the World Rowing Allowable Electronics rules.
That means, you may use Smart oars, Empower oarlocks, and the like.
Of import, please note that data may be transmitted from the boat to be stored during a race for future analysis. You may not receive transmission from outside of the boat during a race.
Safe Guarding:
The Safe Guarding Officers for this event will be announced closer to the event date.
For questions contact Michael Zimmer michael.zimmer@usrowing.org
Racing will follow the 6 Lane Progression as outlined in the Selection Procedures.
Please see the 2025 Senior Selection Procedures or the 2025 Para Selection Procedures.
Please note that in events with foreign nationals entered, placements with selection implications will only apply to US selection eligible athletes. Foreign crew’s results will not be considered when determining ranking for automatic selection camp invitations
Practice Schedule (Subject to Change): UPDATED MARCH 10
If you are planning to practice for speed orders prior to the first official trials practice, Thursday, March 20, 2025, you must contact SANCA to arrange this and pay a training fee and sign the Nathan Benderson park waiver.
Thursday, March 20
12:00 pm athlete and coach meeting
1:00 pm -4:00 pm Practice
Friday, March 21
8:30 am-10:00 am Time Trials
4:15 pm-5:20 pm Quarterfinals
5:30 pm-6:30 pm Practice
Saturday, March 22
9:30 am-11:15 am Semifinals & Finals
2:30 pm-4:30 pm Practice
Sunday, March 23
9:30 am- 11:00 am Finals
The maps below will provide an overview of the layout of the course and outline the traffic patterns for practice, time trials, and sprint racing.
Practice Traffic Pattern
Race Day Traffic Pattern
Time Trial Traffic Pattern
Practice Start Traffic Pattern
In the event of weather, USRowing will refer to Appendix E Adverse Weather Conditions Policy.
Parking is available on the island and will be designated with parking signs in the lay down yard.
Boats must be stored on slings or on team trailers. There's limited rack space available at the facility for visiting competitors. To ensure emergency and medical vehicles are able to quickly and safely navigate the venue, keep all access roads and walkways clear or equipment.
Please see the General Trials Rules for information
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion